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15 Sep 2022

Engineers’ Day Celebrations by SAC


Student Activity Center (SAC) organised Engineers’ Day Celebrations in the Institute on 15th September to commemorate the birth anniversary of Sir Mokshagundam Vishveshvarayya. Celebrating India’s greatest engineer’s birth anniversary indeed provided the right amount of inspiration for all the young engineering undergraduates who are going to be the ambassadors of our institution. Dr.Swarupa, Director, Student Affairs, briefed about each of the student clubs and forums along with the faculty co-ordinators and the students leads. It is followed by Plan of Action presentations of the respective clubs for the ongoing academic year.Dr.Jayanth Kulkarni, Director, IQAC and Dr.Amrender Rao, Director, PG Studies addressed the gathering and commended the efforts of the Student Activity Center in creating a positive and vibrant atmosphere to nurture the allround skills of the students.

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