Btech Colleges In Hyderabad
03 Aug 2023

Green Revolution event organised by Eco-Club VBIT


Embrace the Green Revolution!

Greetings from Eco-Club VBIT, Join us in our mission to make the world a greener place! Our plantation program is in full swing, and we are greatful about the positive impact it’s making on the environment.

Check out these heartwarming pictures of our team planting saplings and nurturing young trees. Together, we’re sowing the seeds of change and cultivating a brighter future for our planet!

Every tree we plant contributes to fighting climate change, conserving biodiversity, and improving the air we breathe.

A big shoutout to our amazing team in collaboration with NSS VBIT, who poured their heart and soul into this initiative. We thank our faculty members for joining us.

Spread the word and encourage your friends and family to get involved. Together, we can create a greener, cleaner, and more sustainable world for all living beings.