04 Nov 2023

One Day Workshop on VLSI


Greetings from IETE-ISF VBIT!!!

“VLSI is not just about circuits; it is the journey of creativity and innovation in silicon.”

We, the team IETE-ISF VBIT conducted “VLSIAnalytics” a One-day workshop on VLSI in association with Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering on 4th November, 2023 at Vignana Bharathi Institute of Technology.

The event started with inauguration by Principal Dr. P. V. S. Srinivas, Head of the Department ECE Dr. U. Poorna Lakshmi ma’am, Speaker Mr. Bijjula Prudhwiraj sir and faculty coordinator Ms. N. Swathi ma’am.

The session was explained with insights on VLSI in future, understanding of vlsi designing and verilog code. The students participated actively throughout the session and gained knowledge of the domain.

The event concluded with the facilitation of Speaker Mr. Bijjula Prudhwiraj by Director of VBIT Professor Y.V.S.S.V. Prasada Rao Sir and Head of the Department ECE Dr. U. Poorna Lakshmi Ma’am.
