Best Engineering College Hyderabad
20 Dec 2022

Telangana State police Women safety wing


Telangana State police Women safety wing conducted a virtual program called Unite for Her Youth Conclave-2022 in all the engineering institutions across Telangana on 20th Dec 2022 at 11:30 AM through virtual mode. Women’s Protection cell, VBIT organized this virtual talk in a grand way in its campus with a huge gathering of 400 first year students at Nalanda Auditorium In this program, dignitaries addressed the students on Drug Addicts and Women’s Safety and all the necessary steps to be taken to curb women and child abuse. The event coordinators made it impressive with quizzes and goodies for the winners. The college Principal, Dr. PVS Srinivas, Director, Students affairs, Dr. Swarupa, Dr Dharmendra, Mr. DKM Sharma, Convenor, WPC, VBIT Dr. Ashwini, the technical support team and Sama Sangathan, the student volunteers, WPC, ensured the virtual event to be a grand success.